Dreamstime is a royalty free stock image provider, they’re very well established and one of the biggest stock photo libraries. But what are it’s strengths for content creators and publishers?
Here’s a breakdown of different aspects of the service including cost, service and coupons/promotional codes.
This is a review of the main Dreamstime website as accessed on a desktop. The mobile version may be a slightly different experience. I downloaded my first paid-for photo from Dreamstime way back in April 2006, an eternity ago, and here is the proof!

The Website Is Easy To Use
The vast majority of the process of finding stock images is using the search box. Not only is the search box nice and easy to see but there are also simple filtering options.
If you’re a new user then first you must create a free account which doesn’t take long. Then you need to choose a credit package or subscription plan. Then simply navigate around the site by searching for what you want, choose a download option and there you go, the picture is instantly yours to use. All-in-all the website is easy to use.
Various Image Types
Dreamstime has millions of photographs and graphics in it’s library. On December 9th 2022, the company also announced it would start allowing uploaders to add AI-generated artwork to their library (with a strict criteria and approval process for quality) so if you wish to start using AI-made artwork to give your website a certain feel then going forward Dreamstime will also be an option. If you’re new to AI imagery please see our advantages and disadvantages article.
Personal experience has mostly been with buying photographs at very low prices and I’ve always been able to find ideal photos for my content.
Low Costs
Dreamstime is certainly one of the cheapest ways to get stock images. You can see our full guide to affordable images if you want to dive more into the topic.
You can choose either a monthly subscription plan that allows you to download a certain amount of images per month, or you can pay for a set amount of credits in one package.
The currency will vary based on your region, for example in the UK you can pay in GBP. Many global users will use USD. The credit packages start from $14.99 for the smallest package all the way up to $1,760 for the largest package. Subscriptions start from $25 and go up to $2,028 per month. The pricing levels make the service ideal for businesses of all sizes.
Prices correct as of our latest research in January 2023, check website for prices right now.
Simple Payment Methods
Dreamstime allow downloaders to pay for credits using PayPal and credit card.
Other Key Details
Region Specific?: No, the stock image library is available to content creators and publishers around the world.
Coupons: They rarely offer out a Dreamstime coupon or promotional codes giving money off images, but sometimes they do. Free trials for new members are also offered.
Opinion: The quality of many of the images is brilliant, they have quite a strict acceptance policy that results in pictures being of a good standard. The value for money is brilliant, with packages starting from very low prices. Getting around the website and using it’s features is also simple and the speed of the website is good considering the amount of files on it! All-in-all a very reliable stock photo provider.
Rating: 9/10
Website: Dreamstime.com
Tips: The more credits you buy the cheaper it works out per image, so if you are a regular user you are better to buy in bulk. Also; the website has such a huge library of pictures make sure you do lots of searches as there is nearly always the perfect image for what you want.
Thanks for reading this Dreamstime review.

Review last updated for experience as per January 2023.