Terms Of Use

Last updated: November 1st 2022.

The following are the Terms Of Use set out by the operator of freestockimages.net (“website”, “we”, “us”). If you don’t agree with these terms please cease using the website with immediate effect. These terms may be revised or updated without any prior notice.

See also our Privacy Policy.

Use of this website
You agree that you are responsible for all of your use of the site. The owner and any other staff do their best to provide accurate information on all files and on the services of the website, however there can still be some technical errors or typographical errors on it. We cannot be held liable for any losses or damages resulting from the inaccuracy of any information on the website.

Content on external websites linked from this site is not FreeStockImage.net’s responsibility.

In using this website you agree not to use any of the images displayed in a way not covered by the terms of the license.

Any comments, bios or descriptions are not our opinion and are those of the author.

Every file on FreeStockImages.net is believed to have a license attributed to it that allows for it to be used for free. But this can never be 100% guaranteed for every single file. Trust is placed in uploaders and other sources that the license is as they say, so we take no responsibility for the consequences of using photos that the original owner actually didn’t have the rights to distribute. Please protect yourself with legal terms on your own website and retain sources to show you acted in good faith. However please don’t be afraid of this situation, as of yet this sort of thing occurring has not been heard of, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Better to be safe than sorry.

Uploading Files
Both parties acknowledge that from time to time you may upload photographs or graphics to the website, and we will screen these uploads to see if they are suitable for inclusion.

You authorize freestockimages.net to be your non-exclusive agent that licenses files for free to third parties.

We reserve the right to distribute your files outside the website but only on accounts owned, including on our Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram accounts.

You acknowledge that under no circumstances can you demand money from FreeStockImages.net or those using the files for the use of said files. You also acknowledge that the files may be used for promotional purposes for the website.

You acknowledge that we do not allow the upload of files that infringe on any copyright, property right, trademark or any other applicable right. You are solely responsible for the files you upload. You warrant that you own the proprietary rights regarding the file, and as for images depicting identifiable persons that you do your best to obtain a valid, legal and signed model release from those parties to upload alongside the file.

By submitting a file to this website you are claiming that you have a legal right to that picture. If you don’t, and the true owner of that photo comes after us, you will be the responsible party.

You acknowledge that even though we do our very best to prevent it from occurring, FreeStockImages.net cannot be held responsible for the misuse or abuse of any image. We also reserve the right to remove any approved image at any time if we believe that it is defective, is of poor quality or infringes on any right. Serious copyright infringement issues such as uploading files found on other photography sites result in the immediate termination of this agreement, the immediate termination of your membership, and also possible criminal prosecution.

Warranty And Liability
This website and its files are provided “as is”. FreeStockImages.net does not offer a warranty, explicit or implied, regarding any images, this website, the accuracy of any contained information, or any rights or licenses under this here terms of use agreement. Including, without any limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We do not represent or warrant that this website or the images will meet your requirements or that their use will be uninterrupted or error free.

We shall not be liable to yourself or to any other person, business or entity for any general, punitive, special, indirect, consequential or incidental damages, or lost revenues or profits or any other damages, costs or losses arising out of your use of freestockimages.net or the files on it.

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless freestockimages.net and it’s owners and staff from any and all loss, cost, liability, and expense, including legal fees, arising from or related to a breach of this agreement, the use of this site and the use or the inability of use of any image, or your violation of any rights of another person or entity.

Illegal Activity
DMCA complaints are taken seriously, any photo or content reported will be taken down immediately whilst an investigation is carried out. The process for this is set out in our FAQs. This website isn’t hosted in the USA, so we aren’t actually obliged to meet the DMCA copyright law act, but we still recognize it and believe that copyright theft is something that needs cleaning up, and therefore it is still embraced.

Any one found to violate copyright or trademark laws will have proportional action taken. Any illegal behaviour or abuse will not be tolerated.