Here’s a curated collection of some of the best free animal stock photos anyone can use. All can be used for personal and commercial use.
We didn’t create most of the image so click on the ‘Source’ link to go to the place we found them and download the picture in the size you need.
Some of the images are a bit cheeky and funny, others are cute!
Relaxed Kangaroo
Photo description: A large adult Kangaroo lying down in the sunshine in Barcelona zoo. Could be an ideal photo to add text to for a viral internet kangaroo meme.
Tropical fish with beautiful bright colors

Photo description: Lovely stripes and contrasting colors on these fish. The water looks lovely and clear.
Elephant butt
Photo description: Call it whatever you want to call it; booty, backside, rear, buttcheeks, bum, butt. This is the behind of an elephant! Adorable!
Cute hedgehog on a natural grass lawn
Photo description: A hedgehog foraging for food in some short garden grass.
Sleepy fox on wood
Photo description: Happy Mr Fox sleeping well in the woodlands on a wooden deck.
Magnificent lion shows his teeth as he roars

Photo description: A truly magnificent lion shows off his impressive teeth as he roars loudly to the wild world around him! What a beautiful animal.
Family of elephants
Photo description: Part of a family of African elephants on the Okavango Delta. Also known as the Okavango Grassland, it is a very large inland delta in Botswana and is home to lots of wildlife.
Compress the image files
If you download any of these free animal stock photos listed here and need to reduce the file size please use our free compressor.